The new EU-funded project ‘SAFE’ for Supporting at-risk researchers with 60 fellowships in Europe

UNIMED is pleased to announce that the SAFE ‘Supporting At-risk Researchers with Fellowships in Europe’ project has officially started. As a pilot fellowship scheme funded by the European Union (EU), the project aims to help at-risk researchers escape the threat they face and continue their research in safety in an EU Member State.

The project will provide up to 60 fellowships to non-EU at-risk researchers from all over the world for a research stay at a European higher education and research institution for a period of up to 24 months.

Researchers eligible for a SAFE fellowship are non-EU nationals at PhD/doctoral or postdoctoral level in any field of research, and must be facing qualifying risks such as discrimination, persecution, suffering and violence.

Eligible host institutions are academic or non-academic higher education and/or research organisations established in an EU Member State.

From mid-October 2024, the SAFE programme will help match at-risk researchers with potential host institutions in the EU with the aim of developing a joint proposal in response to the SAFE call for applications. The SAFE matchmaking service provides support for researchers at risk, by connecting them with a suitable host institution in the EU and for potential host institutions, by assisting them in finding suitable researchers for their institution.

The call for applications will be launched during the week of 18 November 2024.

More information on the SAFE project is available on the project’s website:

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