[WEBINAR] CGIAR seminar on “Reforming agricultural policies and farm support to advance sustainable food system transformation”

[WEBINAR] CGIAR seminar on “Reforming agricultural policies and farm support to advance sustainable food system transformation”

  • Date & Time:
    • February 29, 2024
    • 15:00 - 16:45

The CGIAR seminar on “Reforming agricultural policies and farm support to advance sustainable food system transformation” will be held on February 29 at 15:00 CET.

More detailed information is available on the event’s website.
If you are interested in participating, please feel free to REGISTER HERE.
Welcome and Opening Remarks

Johan Swinnen, Managing Director, Systems Transformation, CGIAR; Director General, IFPRI

Jan Brix, Senior Policy Officer, Division of Agriculture and Rural Development, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Science for Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems

Aditi Mukherji, Director, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Impact Action Platform, CGIAR (Invited)

Will Martin, Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI


Charlotte Hebebrand, Director of Communications and Public Affairs, IFPRI

Panel 1: Global Initiatives for Agricultural Policy Reform

Representative of the 2024 G20 Presidency (Brazil) (Invited)

Debbie Palmer, Director for Energy, Climate and Environment, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)

Sergiy Zorya, Lead Agriculture Economist and Global Lead for Policies and Public Expenditures, Agricultural and Food Global Practice, The World Bank

Panel 2: Regional and National Policy Reform Experiences

Alan Mathews, Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Economics, Trinity College, Dublin

Shenggen Fan, Chair Professor, College of Economics and Management at China Agricultural University, CGIAR System Board member

Patrick Ofori, Deputy Director, Head of M&E Division at Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA), Policy Planning Monitoring & Evaluation Directorate (PPMED)