UNCCD 16th session of the Conference of the Parties

UNCCD 16th session of the Conference of the Parties

  • Date & Time:
    • December 2 - 13, 2024
  • Venue:


The sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP16) of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) will take place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, from 2 to 13 December 2024:

“Today, the future of our land is on the line. We are degrading 100 million hectares of healthy and productive lands each year. Our soils—which take up to hundreds of years to form—are being depleted in a matter of minutes. Droughts are hitting harder and more often, with women and girls affected first and worst. Three out of four people in the world are projected to face water scarcity by 2050. The proverbial well may soon run dry. But we have the power to bring land back to life. We can turn degradation into restoration. We can go from devastating droughts and floods to robust economies and resilient communities. And we can ensure that those who depend on land the most have a say in how decisions are made”.


For more information please visit the official page of the event where you can also registrate.