Climate Change and Social Vulnerability Part I: Using Multi-Sectoral Indicators to Assess Compound Drought Risk and Social Vulnerability in Jordan

Climate Change and Social Vulnerability Part I: Using Multi-Sectoral Indicators to Assess Compound Drought Risk and Social Vulnerability in Jordan

  • Date & Time:
    • March 21, 2023
    • 1 pm Cairo time
  • Venue:


Online Report Launch:

Climate Change and Social Vulnerability Part I: Using Multi-Sectoral Indicators to Assess Compound Drought Risk and Social Vulnerability in Jordan, will take place in the form of an online webinar.

The report forms part of the “SDG-Climate Facility: Climate Action for Human Security in the Arab Region” Project. With financial support from the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), the project is a multi-partner platform focusing on the impacts of climate change on human security in the Arab region, especially in the context of countries in crisis. It brings together the League of Arab States (LAS), Arab Water Council (AWC), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Environment Programme – Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), World Food Programme (WFP), United Nations Office for Disaster Reduction (UNDRR), and United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), to deliver climate-oriented solutions that address climate challenges and bring co-benefits across the SDGs.

The work entailed mapping over 30l indicators of hazard, exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity at national level, based on over 50 individual datasets, using GIS tools. Special emphasis was placed on expanding the list of social indicators of vulnerability in drought risk assessments. The mapping exercise was accompanied by case study research carried out in Mafraq Governorate, Jordan, in a community whose livelihoods based on agriculture and livestock critically depend on rain. The impact of drought on local water, land, and food systems was studied with a view to understanding local adaptation practices and needs, in order to inform national climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies.

To participate in the webinar, please register here.