Global Network of Dryland Research Institutes Declaration

28 November, 2022, Sede Boqer campus, lsrael

The 8th International Conference of Drylands, Deserts and Desertification, DDD was held in the Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in lsrael from November 27 to December 1, 2022.

The conference aimed to be a global effort towards ecosystem restoration. Currently drylands cover over 47% of all terrestrial areas and are home to over 2 billion people. Climate change, land degradation, and
desertification present an unprecedented threat to terrestrial areas in general and specifically to drylands,
with far-reaching environmental, social, and economic consequences.

Despite the importance of dryland ecosystems, current knowledge and research efforts are still limited.
During the DDD conference, round-table discussions were organized between the representatives of 9
institutes from 5 different Countries that devote their research to drylands.

During the round-table discussions, the Global Network of Dryland Research Institutes (GNDRI) identified that desertification is a major contributor to climate change, biodiversity loss, poverty, and food insecurity.

GNDRI, as a network of institutions, recognized the critical contributions that can come from cross-institutional knowledge exchange, the promotion of international, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research on drylands, and the transfer of knowledge to civil society, policy-makers and practitioners.

GNDRI is therefore committed to the creation of an active and inclusive “Drylands Network”.

Here you can read the full text of: GNDRI Declaration 2022-11-28